It looks like the warmer weather has finally arrived! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and Easter is right around the corner. With spring and Easter usually comes a beautiful flower arrangement, especially lily plants. Just a friendly reminder from all of us here at The Veterinary Center of Hudson that many plants can be toxic to our pets. One plant in particular is the Easter lily which is toxic to our kitty friends especially. All parts of the Easter lily plant are poisonous such as the petals, the leaves, the stem and even the pollen. Cats that ingest as few as one or two leaves, or even a small amount of pollen while grooming their fur, can suffer severe kidney failure. Early signs of toxicity may include vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy and dehydration. Symptoms worsen as the kidneys begin to shut down. Some cats may even experience disorientation, staggering and seizures. There is no effective antidote to counteract lily poisoning, so the sooner you can get your cat to the veterinarian, the better the chances of survival will be. If you see your cat licking or eating any part of an Easter lily, call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately.


We hope all of you are enjoying the warmer weather! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet’s health. For more information go to our website at